Where to host Javascript for blogger blogs?

Categories: Software development

This forum contains in-depth guides on different JavaScript functions. It may not suit a new full stack developer because the development topics are slightly advanced. If you are an advanced developer, sign up for its monthly newsletter. This tutorial should get you started with the basics of JavaScript. Artem writes about frontend software development with tools like linters, Rollup, and advanced form libraries.

java script blogger

Crowdsourced developer blog posts are published all day every day. This is the self-named personal blog of a front-end software developer, Dmitri Pavlutin. He maintains an open-source JavaScript library called vocajs.com, and occasionally helps fellow developers on StackOverflow.

Understanding JavaScript Objects: What They Mean and How to Create Them

His blog is purely technical and focuses on various Javascripts strategies and tools. The blog’s content varies in difficulty but is presented authoritatively and educationally. Articles are written passably well but have some language and grammar flaws. Dmitri includes plenty of code examples, but not many links to supporting evidence. BedRock Tech is the Technical Blog for the French Media company Bedrock Streaming.

java script blogger

There are few real alternatives to JavaScript for executing code in a browser. These options offer an alternative syntax to JavaScript but are compiled to pure JavaScript before we can use them in a browser. Some popular alternatives to JavaScript include CoffeeScript, TypeScript, and Dart. The .js-to-.txt hack should work equally well in both Blogger custom domain and blogspot domain.

Teach the World Online

Adam Wathan is the creator of Tailwind CSS, and writes primarily about CSS and JavaScript with Vue.js and Next.js. He’s also known for co-creating Refactoring UI, a popular ebook that teaches developers how to design UIs that actually look good. Her latest posts How Long Does it Take to Learn Python 2022 Guide talk about misconceptions about web accessibility, cross-site scripting attacks and security, and deploying with CircleCI. Before you write more JavaScript code, it pays to know the basics. Every programming language has rules, and JavaScript is no different.

java script blogger

The content is very thorough and demonstrates strong technical proficiency across the board. This web dev blog is published at least once a month, sometimes as many as several new articles in the same span. The writing quality is dense and informative, but a little dry. Articles are text-heavy with lots of code snapshots, but barely any links or visuals.

Nodesource is a platform that enables organizations to build, manage, secure, and analyze Node.js applications. The majority of articles are product updates and demos, but some articles dive into Node.js. Nodesource’s posts are technically sound and provide enterprise-level JavaScript expertise. This node js blog’s content is superbly written, both in content and grammar, and there are minimal errors and ample sources for the reader.


He provides a unique perspective based on his prior experience managing JavaScript Infrastructure at Facebook. Flavio is one of the most recognizable JavaScript bloggers, and has been publishing a new post every day for years. Addy Osmani is an engineering manager at Google working on Chrome. His teams work on tools like Lighthouse and PageSpeed Insights. He is author of open-source projects like Yeoman, TodoMVC and Material Design Lite. Except as otherwise noted, any code samples from the V8 project are licensed under V8’s BSD-style license.

  • His technical writing spans back nearly 15 years and provides heavily technical pieces that let the code do the talking.
  • Ben Nadel is a cofounder of Invision and blogs about ColdFusion, jQuery, HTML5, AJAX, SQL, and all aspects of web application development.
  • This design blog is a simple community-driven site that focuses on all things JavaScript and HTML5.
  • Duza, a web developer, writes on JavaScript and Ruby programming language topics.

You might find more useful information in his books or courses. While Zeldman is an experienced web developer, the articles’ topics don’t get quite as technical as other blogs on this list. Zeldman is an excellent writer who has a strong command of language. Articles do not feature many images but are strewn with relevant links. The blog is published multiple times per month without any sort of schedule. While new JavaScript articles only appear monthly, the blog as a whole offers a host of other related front-end and programming sections as well.

David Walsh is a blogger and well-known software engineer in the web development field. He uses his blog to post different JavaScript topics and functions. It can help newbies understand how to use various functions in JavaScript. Most readers enjoy the blog because of the content quality, writing quality, and practical examples.

This blog is especially for people who want to learn about advanced techniques to build Vue.js and web apps. Markus’s blog focuses heavily on Web Development, but occasionally he also writes articles about personal topics. To advance your knowledge of JavaScript, you can sign up for email alerts on the blogs and websites listed in this guide. There are other resources on the web to follow and social media platforms.

A lot of their articles are written in French, so English readers will need a translate extension! Marmelab’s posts demonstrate a strong technical knowledge of the subject matter and use ample evidence to support the article’s point. The blog is updated on average at least a couple of times every month, sometimes with a handful of new https://bitcoin-mining.biz/ posts. The blog’s writing is extremely dense and informative, but could use some polish on its grammar. Ben Nadel is a NY-based programmer, co-founder, and principal engineer at InVision App, Inc, a design and user experience company. His blog — sometimes known as “The Kinky Solutions” blog — documents his programming experimentation.

Fast integration with any Javascript app

He’s also known for his articles about working with Angular. JavaScript and other programming languages use conditionals to control the flow of a program. Code Blocks – Code blocks organize related statements within curly braces and make them easier to read. They are used to add notes to code and sometimes are written in a structured format so they can be parsed to create documentation pages for code.

JavaScript Date Comparison: Quick and Simple

The blog is published multiple times per week on a consistent basis. The blog’s writing quality is mostly excellent, with minor grammatical blemishes that don’t take away from the content. Each article features several supporting visuals and links, which helps speak to programmers in any language. The blog’s topics are mostly tutorials and troubleshooting guides for common technical issues. They are a collection of experiences and methods used by active programmers and would serve useful to other Web Developers as well. Most articles are relatively short-form but technical nonetheless.

Besides, his writing style is concise, so you may be confused when you are a newbie to JavaScript. Tobias’ beautifully designed blog talks about topics like CSS, JavaScript, animation, and A/B testing for products. Max writes about frontend development, mostly React, as well as various other related topics. He’s the creator of styled-components and react-boilerplate and currently works at Gatsby. Wes writes about web development and covers topics like React.js, Node, Express, Lambda, Gatsby, and Next.js. Ben Nadel is a cofounder of Invision and blogs about ColdFusion, jQuery, HTML5, AJAX, SQL, and all aspects of web application development.